Blog Posts in Catastrophe Response

Natural disasters, such as tornadoes, flash floods, and hurricanes, can leave a massive physical impact in their wake, leaving thousands of Americans to pick up the pieces after the event ends.

Over the years, the cost of damages from these natural disasters can really stack up.

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Do you live in a city where the weather seems to have it out for your property? Of course, some cities are just more prone to property damage than others. Whether you expect it or not, Mother Nature is always ready to rumble somewhere.

Floods, fires, heatwaves, wicked winds: these...Continue Reading

From coastal storm flooding to overflowing lakes and rivers, floods are one of the most significant causes of damage to homes and businesses. Floods can have strong currents that tear up roads and wash away cars. They’re also difficult to forecast.  

Is your business located in a...Continue Reading

Experiencing any type of house flood can be devastating. Not only can flood damage affect your home and property, but it can also be an extremely traumatic event to live through. The good news is that unless your home is completely wiped out (which is rare), your house and most of your...Continue Reading

After experiencing a fire in your home or garage, surveying the damage can be overwhelming. Not only does fire damage cause extensive harm, but the methods to put out the flames also wreak havoc. Fire suppression methods like sprinkler systems and fire hoses can put thousands of gallons of water...Continue Reading

There are suds on the floor and water everywhere. The feeling of coming home to find the washing machine flooded the carpet is one of the worst. Not only are there dangers of electric shock and slipping on the sudsy floor, but after it’s all done, the water damage can continue to harm your home...Continue Reading

Older neighborhoods can be a joy to live in. Beautiful architecture, friendly neighbors, good schools, and big trees. Unfortunately, sometimes those big trees can be a disadvantage too. Especially if one falls and blocks access to the street, takes down electrical wires or, even worse, lands on...Continue Reading

Studies have found that seniors are more likely to experience injury during a disaster. This can be due to several factors, including pre-existing conditions, slower reaction...Continue Reading

Whether caused by broken pipes, leaking appliances, or storms, flooding can do serious damage to your home. As bad as the obvious effects of flooding can be—watermarks on furniture, wet carpets, staining on walls—you may think most of the problems can be solved by just letting everything dry out...Continue Reading