Blogs in May 2015

Just as knowing how to locate and operate your breaker box can get you out of a hair-raising electrical emergency, learning how to shut off water flow to your home can keep you out of a serious, flood-related pickle. From natural disasters to simple wear-and-...Continue Reading

Did you know that a wildfire can move across the land at a speed of up to 14 miles per hour burning trees, brush, homes, and even people in their path? One strike of lightning, one act of human carelessness in nature, one criminal decision to commit arson, or volcanic eruptions are just some of...Continue Reading

How many of you remember as a kid playing in or around storm water drains or roadside ditches? It was fun, right? While you may have enjoyed splashing around in the waters, you might not realize that storm water like this may actually be contaminated with raw sewage, dangerous chemicals, or...Continue Reading

Do you have a tornado disaster plan? Recovering from any disaster is a gradual process, but the better prepared you are, the easier and faster your recovery can be.Continue Reading

Do you know the hurricane season tips to adequately prepare your family and home for the upcoming weather?

Dangerous Weather During a Hurricane

Common weather patterns associated with hurricanes include:

Mold comes in many colors, though none is as nefarious as black mold. How scary is it? Rainbow Restoration is here to educate you in Black Mold 101.Continue Reading

The unthinkable has occurred. Your home or business has been the casualty of a flash flood. What should you do? What happens next? While your questions and emotions surge as the water recedes, keep in mind that flash...Continue Reading

Floods can happen in the blink of an eye. One moment everything is okay, and the next, water is everywhere. The experts at Rainbow Restoration have identified five ticking time bombs that can wreak havoc in your home in a matter of minutes. These...Continue Reading