Blogs in October 2016

Do you own an older home? If so, you may want to take a closer look at some of the scary features that may be lurking in your home.  Make sure your home doesn’t have any of these; otherwise there could be a disaster when you least expect it. 

Electrical fires are most likely to occur during cold, dry winter months. With this season swiftly approaching, now is the perfect time to learn more about what sparks electrical fires and how to protect your home against this potential disaster.

Surprising Facts and Figures...Continue Reading

Fires are scary, especially when it comes to putting them out.  Only you can prevent these fires; but things don’t always go according to plan.  With many different fires come many different types of fire extinguishers. 

Types of Fires:

Fire smoke is a toxic soup of dangerous gases and a deadly enemy to all those exposed to it, from families to firefighters. Sadly, in addition to smoke inhalation, many...Continue Reading

Protecting our loved ones from harm is paramount in every family home. In order to prevent fire, and the subsequent heartache and massive property damage that ensues, it is vital to know where to place your smoke alarms and fire extinguishers.Continue Reading

An estimated 25 million cloud-to-ground lightning strikes occur annually across the U.S. Fascinating to watch, most Americans severely...Continue Reading

The thought of your home or business being engulfed in flames is probably something you don’t want to dwell on. However, it isn’t safe to ignore the possibility of fire, either. What you should do is prepare a fire escape plan for work and home so you’re prepared if a blaze breaks out....Continue Reading

When you have fire, smoke or water damage, more than the structure needs repair, your belongings are affected too. The contents of your home can be damaged by water, fire or smoke; for example, furniture, silverware and plates, portraits, keepsakes and clothing. Even items that aren’t damaged...Continue Reading