Blogs in July 2017

Do I Have Flood Insurance?

The standard homeowner’s insurance policy does NOT include flood insurance, and will not cover flood damage. Flood insurance must be purchased additionally, either through your local insurance broker, or through the government’s...Continue Reading

Floods, whether man-made or natural, can do extensive damage to a home or rental property. If your house or apartment floods, the most important thing to do is stay calm. Next, you...Continue Reading

When it comes to protecting your home from water damage, sometimes simple leak-proofing techniques with landscaping are all you need. But when flood waters rise around your home,...Continue Reading

Some floods are national disasters. When a year’s worth of rain pours down in just a few days, the flood can sweep cars away and devastate homes. These are the types of floors you’re probably most wary of, but even small leaks from your plumbing system could turn into a flooded home.

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