Blogs in February 2016

Does danger lurk, unseen, behind the walls of your home or business? Household fires can and do happen. Do you have the fire prevention tips you need to keep your home and belongings from going up in smoke?

Electrical Fires

A leading cause of home fires,...Continue Reading

Are dangerous gases seeping into your home or business and putting you and your family in harm’s way due to a higher risk of gas explosion and household fires? If proper safety steps are not taken to protect against gas leaks, they can lead to a dangerous situation.

Gas Line...Continue Reading

Burst pipes and water leaks from appliances and fixtures can rapidly result in thousands of dollars in water damage to your home – and a sky high water bill. Quick action is key, before repair needs turn your home into a money pit. How can you prevent...Continue Reading

A flooded basement is every homeowner’s worst nightmare. It can happen at any time from a number of different causes. Is your basement at risk of flooding? If so, how can you prevent a flooded basement? Find the answers to your questions here.

Causes of Basement Floods...Continue Reading

It’s easy to take indoor plumbing for granted since just about every modern home today features toilets and sinks. While you may never expect these fixtures to develop leaks, flood damage from plumbing fixtures happens all the time. Follow these...Continue Reading

Dishwashers are among the top appliances that can cause home flooding, and according to the National Flood Insurance Program, just a few inches of water flooding your home can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage....Continue Reading

With water pipes running behind your walls and unpredictable storms beating down on the roof, there are clearly plenty of places a water leak can develop. For this reason, it’s wise to keep flood prevention tips at the back of your mind. Start by checking individual appliances for leaks or signs...Continue Reading

Certain appliances or systems in your home or business can actually increase your risk of flooding and water damage.

Below are the top five appliances likely to cause of water damage in your home or business:

Hot Water Heater

Among the top five sources leading to water...Continue Reading