Blogs in August 2017

Basement leak are nothing new. Structural cracks, poor lot grading and drainage, melting snow and ice, burst pipes, sewer backups, and even over-full gutters and downspouts can be quick to show you trouble travels downhill. How should you handle these events and prevent unnecessary destruction?...Continue Reading

The drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet is just one of the many leaks that can develop in your home. If your bathroom or kitchen faucet drips, don’t ignore it! Just one drip per second...Continue Reading

You’ve probably heard this king of corny jokes: “Is your refrigerator running? You’d better go catch it!” However, what about your toilet running? This is no joke! Luckily, there are some relatively simple fixes you can do yourself. Check out these DIY instructions for addressing some of the...Continue Reading

According to the EPA, annual household leaks waste one trillion gallons of water nationwide. That being said, leaks aren’t pesky – they’re powerful. What begins as a small leak has the potential to destroy your home if not adequately addressed.  

You know to call Rainbow...Continue Reading