Blogs in May 2018

You love your animals, but you don’t relish their tell-tale scents. Luckily, there are ways you can keep your home smelling fresh without giving your furry friends the boot. Before lingering pet odors set in to your home and belongings, learn how to remove pet odors and keep them at bay with...Continue Reading

Don’t let the stale odor of cigarette smoke contaminate your indoor air quality. Removing cigarette smoke demands patience – the acidic smoke leaves resins and tars that permeate everything in the vicinity.

The process for eliminating smoke odor in your house depends on the severity of...Continue Reading

Grandma never got the memo – mothballs stink! Not only do they make the clothes smell, but an entire room can absorb the smell of mothballs. Even if those wool sweaters escaped unscathed from moths, no one wants to wear a stinky sweater. There is also evidence that mothballs...Continue Reading