Blogs in July 2018

Cigarette smoke isn’t just bad for your lungs. It can cause tar and nicotine stains on walls and just about anything it comes into prolonged contact with. Tar and nicotine stains hold the stale odor of cigarettes, so cleaning them is the most effective way to get rid of cigarette smoke smell in...Continue Reading

If you park your car in the garage, chances are you’ll notice oil stains start to develop as time goes by, especially if you drive an older vehicle. Many homeowners wish to maintain a clean garage floor and avoid tracking toxins from spilled oil into the house.

It’s not impossible to clean engine oil spills from concrete, but your best chance for removing stains successfully is to act quickly and use the proper techniques. Here’s how to remove oil stains using helpful tips from the experts at Rainbow Restoration®.Continue Reading

Does your grout remain dirty no matter how much you scrub those tile floors or shower walls? Not all hope is lost. The best way to clean tile grout is the same way the professionals do – with a grout-cleaning machine that uses hot steam. Rainbow Restoration uses state-of-the-art grout-cleaning...Continue Reading