Blogs in March 2018

Fireplace flare-up? Kitchen catastrophe? Grill gone wild? Unsightly smoke damage and soot can be tough to tackle, forming lasting stains if left untreated­­. Let the...Continue Reading

As you get settled into your new home, it’s nice to know everything is in good shape. This includes the things you can’t see, like your air ducts. Dirty air ducts circulate contaminated air throughout your home, spreading dust and allergens. Just imagine cleaning your new home, only to have...Continue Reading

Smoke-damaged clothes don’t have to be sent to the dumpster. Depending on the severity of the damage, there are a few tricks you can apply to remove smoke odor from clothes. We’ve seen our fair share of smoke damage. As experts in the...Continue Reading

In the post-fire cleanup and salvage phase? It can be tough to let go of treasured electronics. Even if they didn’t suffer heat damage,...Continue Reading

Cleaning a smoke-damaged house is important for providing a healthy living environment. If only it was as easy as opening a window and letting things air out. The acidic nature of smoke and soot can make them difficult to remove. However, they contain unpleasant odors and particles that are...Continue Reading

If you lost your belongings in a fire or burglary, would you know where to begin putting your life back together? A home inventory is a foolproof way to ensure you’re protected when disaster strikes.

Why You Should Create a Home Inventory?

If your belongings...Continue Reading