Blogs in December 2016

The holidays are a time of joy and celebration, a time to give back to the community and reconnect with family. Unfortunately, for someone with hoarding disorder, the holidays can be tough.

Hoarding is a mental illness...Continue Reading

About 1.2 million Americans are diagnosed hoarders, meaning they have a compulsive urge to stockpile belongings in abnormally high quantities. If your home is a little cluttered, you’re not a hoarder – but if you find it difficult to function in or move around your house because precarious...Continue Reading

Packrat or hoarder? Everyone has some clutter in and around the house, but there’s definitely a difference between the two. The divide is between the three to five percent of the American population, who suffer from compulsive hoarding tendencies.

Don’t ignore these dangerous hoarding...Continue Reading

People who have the compulsive need to stockpile belongings are called hoarders. This condition is associated with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and depression. About one in every 300 American adults is a hoarder.

But hoarding is...Continue Reading

According to the American Society of Home Inspectors, over 60 percent of basements within...Continue Reading