Blogs in November 2017

If you struggle with hoarding behavior, you could unintentionally be making your home a dangerous, unsanitary place to live. As if this wasn’t reason enough to get help, hoarding has another side effect you might not have considered: it could hinder your ability to qualify for or retain a...Continue Reading

Everyone deals with clutter from time to time. But for the 3-5% of Americans who are compulsive hoarders, it goes beyond the occasional mess, preventing hoarders and their families from leading safe, healthy lives. Are you living with a compulsive hoarder?

What Defines...Continue Reading

If you are a landlord, property manager, or another housing professional, you may be concerned about the possibility of a hoarder renting your property. After all, not only does this behavior create fire safety issues, indoor air quality problems, and health concerns, it can also...Continue Reading