Blogs in August 2020

A 100-year flood may sound like a new action-adventure movie from Hollywood, but it is, in fact, a real-life flood event that has a slightly misleading name. 100-year floods are strong, damaging events that often come with little to no warning.

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Is it risky to live on a floodplain? (Possibly!) What should you do if you do? (Buy flood insurance and more.) How were floodplains created? What benefits do they offer to the natural world and its inhabitants? If you have questions about floodplains, you’ll find your answers here.

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k`Stucco is an attractive, durable building material. It’s available in a variety of finishes and colors and is resistant (though not impervious) to many threats. In fact, a stucco finish can last as long as 100 years! But, like all materials, stucco is susceptible to...Continue Reading

Is water leaking through the ceiling? That’s a problem no homeowner should ignore. If you’ve noticed drops of water coming through the ceiling or even just a wet spot, take immediate action. Left untreated, ceiling water damage can lead to more than just some unsightly stains. It could result in...Continue Reading