Blogs in June 2020

No homeowner wants to discover a wet basement … again! The dampness, the musty odor, the ruined carpet and flooring. Even worse, after you’ve dealt with the issue, you discover there’s more rain in the forecast.

Before you get stuck in an endless cycle of water damage, consider basement...Continue Reading

When you think of damage from a storm, a tornado may come to mind.

Tornados are well known and discussed in the news frequently – they even star in movies! But did you know that there’s another wind-based storm you should have on your radar?

Read on to learn about...Continue Reading

After any tenant vacates a building – residential or commercial – it’s important for a property owner or manager to deep clean the unit. At Rainbow Restoration, we understand that perfect tenants are few and far between. Even more scarce? The time to deep clean your units on your own.

...Continue Reading