Blog Posts in Air Quality

Looking for a new home can be fun, exciting, and sometimes stressful. But eventually, you’ll find a house that checks all your boxes, and you’re ready to make your purchase. However, during the inspection process, the inspector finds mold. That’s a deal breaker, right? Or is it? The truth is...Continue Reading

By now, we all know that certain kinds of mold have the potential to make us sick. We look for the first signs of mold in our bathrooms, basements, crawl spaces or any other moist, dark places in our homes....Continue Reading

True or false: Odor eliminator sprays eliminate odors. FALSE.

Unfortunately, most odor eliminator sprays do a little more than mask or mingle with existing odors. Worse yet, some make stenches worse and most emit harmful chemicals.

Looking to banish odors for good? Learn what you...Continue Reading

Fire alarm shrieking in your ear? Your home can fill up with smoke in an instant from something as simple as a closed flue or burning popcorn. Cooking skills aside, if you notice that your home is frequently inundated by smoke, it’s time to get serious about ventilation. Poor ventilation...Continue Reading

One of the highlights of wintertime is relaxing in front of a crackling fire on a cold night. However, a smoky, overflowing fireplace will ruin the ambiance – and fast.

Keep reading to learn how the pros at Rainbow Restoration recommend preventing fireplace smoke from getting in your...Continue Reading

Even though you occasionally turn your heating and cooling system off, your air ducts are constantly collecting dust, dander, allergens and potentially harboring mold spores that...Continue Reading

Air duct cleaning is vital to the cleanliness of the air you breathe in your home or office. Investing in regular air duct cleaning services reduces indoor allergens like dust, pollen and pet dander and prevents the possible spread of mold.

Read on to find out why it’s so important to...Continue Reading

Cigarette smoke isn’t just bad for your lungs. It can cause tar and nicotine stains on walls and just about anything it comes into prolonged contact with. Tar and nicotine stains hold the stale odor of cigarettes, so cleaning them is the most effective way to get rid of cigarette smoke smell in...Continue Reading

Don’t let the stale odor of cigarette smoke contaminate your indoor air quality. Removing cigarette smoke demands patience – the acidic smoke leaves resins and tars that permeate everything in the vicinity.

The process for eliminating smoke odor in your house depends on the severity of...Continue Reading

Moisture in your air ducts can seem harmless at first; however, if ignored it could lead to serious problems like mold or mildew growth. Moisture in your ductwork can also indicate underlying problems that need to be addressed.  

There are...Continue Reading