Blog Posts in Safety

Do you live in a city where the weather seems to have it out for your property? Of course, some cities are just more prone to property damage than others. Whether you expect it or not, Mother Nature is always ready to rumble somewhere.

Floods, fires, heatwaves, wicked winds: these...Continue Reading

June is National Safety Month! And while there’s never a bad time to improve your business’s safety practices, early summer is the perfect time to make sure your employees are ready in the event of a disaster.

Why Is Disaster Safety Planning Important?

While the need for having...Continue Reading

It might be hard to imagine, but some of the most flammable materials in your home are liquid! Solvents, oil, alcohol-based products, aerosol cans, and beauty products—all commonly found in homes—may pose a danger to the health and safety of you and your family if stored inappropriately....Continue Reading

Noticing flickering lights in the kitchen, bathroom, or any other room in your house can be a nuisance, but it’s usually not a reason to be concerned. There are many reasons for lights to flicker or dim—some that are harmless and others that may be hazardous. Before you get worried, be sure to...Continue Reading

Older neighborhoods can be a joy to live in. Beautiful architecture, friendly neighbors, good schools, and big trees. Unfortunately, sometimes those big trees can be a disadvantage too. Especially if one falls and blocks access to the street, takes down electrical wires or, even worse, lands on...Continue Reading

Owning a portable generator can be a lifesaver, especially if you live in an area that regularly experiences storms and inclement weather. But to ensure the power your generator creates is reliable and consistent—and that you...Continue Reading

Maybe one of the rooms in your home smells musty. Or you notice you’ve been coughing and sneezing more than usual. Or you see a white, thread-like material or a cluster of black dots near an old water stain. No matter how you discover it, finding mold in your house can be a troubling experience...Continue Reading

Small house fires are the most common disasters in North America. If you've suffered a house fire, you're probably just grateful no one was hurt. But after the initial shock, there are...Continue Reading

Wood flooring is beautiful and can be an important asset to your home. Most of the time, it offers excellent durability, easy care, and will continue to look attractive for many years. However, wood...Continue Reading

Millions of business owners and renters maintain liability insurance each year to protect themselves against damages resulting from an unforeseen event, like a fire or flood. But most business owners and renters are unsure...Continue Reading