Blogs in March 2015

Carpet can be a great flooring option, adding warmth and comfort to a home or business. But do you know what’s really lurking in carpet? Because of all the traffic it encounters daily, carpet attracts and hides some of the worst allergens, bacteria, germs, organisms and other hazardous particles...Continue Reading

You may know about common fire sources such as candles, overloaded electrical outlets, and malfunctioning...Continue Reading

The destructive power of tsunamis is enormous. The 2004 tsunami in the in the Indian Ocean was among the deadliest natural disasters on record, killing over 230,000 people in 14 countries. Are you at risk of, and prepared for a tsunami?

More than a large wave…

...Continue Reading

Since the U.S. electricity consumption totaled nearly 4.05 trillion kilowatt-hours (kWh) in 2022, it’s safe to say electrical power is an essential part of everyday life. 

According to...Continue Reading

Another flash flood warning in your area? Who cares? You should! Flash floods are the number one weather-related killer in the U.S., and the most frequently occurring and costly natural disaster. Ninety percent of damage related to all natural disasters is caused by flood damage. It takes only a...Continue Reading

Inhaling smoke is the number one cause of health injuries due to fires. More than 50 percent of fatalities from fire disasters are due to smoke inhalation instead of burns. 

The smoke from fires is composed of heated particles and gases from the objects inside the property being burned....Continue Reading

You never think your home will be the one to catch fire. After all, that’s something that happens to other people, but not to you, right? Everyone who has ever fallen victim to a property fire had this same mindset prior to the incident. Yet every year more than 2,500 people die and 12,600 more...Continue Reading

Fire is dangerous. We all know that. But, did you know that the flames themselves might not be the greatest risk as far as health dangers and property damage? Fire smoke is the leading cause of fire deaths, exceeding burns by a three-to-one ratio. And while direct exposure to smoke is harmful to...Continue Reading

Are you ready if severe weather comes your way? The types of storms you’re most likely to face depend on where you live. Follow these safety measures and general tips to help you weather the storm.

Preparing for a Tornado

Every state has at least minimal risk...Continue Reading