Blogs in February 2017

It’s wise to plan for all types of emergencies that could strike at home – from gas and carbon monoxide leaks to burst pipes and flooded basements – but fire is the most critical emergency to plan for.

Thorough fire preparedness involves...Continue Reading

Was your home recently damaged in a fire? You may be searching for DIY fire restoration tips to save a little cash in the recovery process, but the simple fact is this: residential fire and smoke damage...Continue Reading

Electronics are delicate items, as there are various factors that cause them to quit working properly. Since many irreplaceable items are stored electronically, it’s important to be prepared for the worst. In the event of a fire, here is what you need to know about smoke damage and your...Continue Reading

Even small home fires can result in significant smoke damage. Taking an obvious toll on your personal items and resulting in unseen damage to your home’s structure, the cleanup of smoke and soot is time sensitive. Acidic in nature, it effects each surface of your home differently, rapidly taking...Continue Reading

The thought of a fire in your own home is unthinkable. Nonetheless, it pays to be prepared. While many consider the flames of a fire the most destructive, smoke is often overlooked until after the event. Charring walls and ceilings, coating everything from furniture and appliances to clothes,...Continue Reading