Commercial Content Processing

Rainbow Restoration is Your Expert in Disaster Recovery — Call (855) 724-6269 for 24/7 Emergency Service

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Has your business been affected by fire, water damage, or mold? If so, you may need to do a processing of your contents before restoring the damaged area.

But what exactly is processing? A content processing is the process of packing up all your belongings after a disaster. This is often the first step to securing your business and possessions, including product inventory, furnishings, and more.

We offer content processing services to safely move your business's contents to our secure facility for remediation. From board-up and tarp-over to content processing and restoration, we have the skills to help you get back to business.


Need emergency commercial contents restoration services? Request an appointment online or call (855) 724-6269 to get started.

Rainbow Restoration professional processing content Business Restoration and Commercial Emergency Storage

Fires and floods can have devastating effects on your business — damaging your property, destroying inventory, and even grinding operations to a halt. At Rainbow Restoration, it’s our mission to contain the damage and help you recover — fast.

The biggest hurdles facing business owners after a disaster are safe storage for the items in your building and restoration of the items that are damaged. We know from experience that even small events can harm your supplies, machines, electronics, and inventory.

With emergency storage and commercial contents restoration, our experts minimize the damage to the contents of your business. We offer a combination of smoke, fire, mold, and water damage restoration services.

The Commercial Contents Restoration Process

We cater our commercial content restoration process to fit each customer’s needs. For example, our teams will:

  1. Inventory the contents of your building
  2. Carefully pack and move each item to our secure storage facility
  3. Unpack each item and assess for damage
  4. Begin and complete the contents restoration process
  5. Return all contents to you once your building is completely remediated

Why Content Processing and Remediation?

After a disaster, big or small, your physical property may seem like a total loss — and without professional remediation, it probably is.

Our teams can help mitigate loss and restore your property by remediating damage to items that make your business unique, including decorations, furniture, supplies, and inventory.

We restore:

  • Clothing and textiles
  • Artwork, documents, photographs, and books
  • Electronics
  • Furniture and rugs

Find Commercial Content Processing Services in Your Local Area

When you need restoration and remediation services, choose experts that have specialized in restoration and recovery services for decades. Rainbow Restoration has been helping customers with disaster recovery for more than 40 years.

Our local teams operate using best practices established by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC).

Don’t wait — request an appointment online or call (855) 724-6269 now. 

Rainbow Restoration professional doing inventory

FAQs about Commercial Contents Restoration

Do you service schools, nonprofits, and medical facilities?

Yes, commercial content processing and emergency business storage services are applicable to a wide variety of businesses, nonprofits, educational facilities, and other organizations. Contact your local Rainbow Restoration to learn more.

Can you remediate mold-damaged items?

Probably, but it depends on the item. Some mold-damaged items may be remediated. As with all damage, an in-person inspection is necessary to determine what items may be salvaged.

Do you offer other restoration services?

Yes, we offer complete fire, water, and mold remediation services — and more.

Helpful Resources

Check out additional resources on what to do when a natural disaster damages your business: