Blogs in December 2015

Ready for a whopping energy bill to go along with that pile of holiday gifts you received this year? We didn’t think so. That’s why we’re here to offer you a little help keeping some jingle in your pockets during the winter months – and the snowman in your front yard from melting due to global...Continue Reading

Has your flooring lost its flash? Put a little sparkle back into your home with the help of these cleaning tips from your friends at Rainbow Restoration®...

Floor Care 101:

Tackle tile and other hard surfaces…

For tile, vinyl, and...Continue Reading

It’s a heated controversy in many homes  - carpet or hard surface flooring? With so many variables thanks to the variety of options and installation costs, it can be hard to find clarity.

What’s the Best Type of Flooring for Your Home?

Should you cozy...Continue Reading

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Americans spend on average 86 percent of their lives indoors. Unfortunately that lack of sunshine can take its toll, particularly from indoor air pollution.

The Lowdown on Indoor Air Quality

Indoors, air...Continue Reading