Blog Posts in fire Safety

Homeowners trust electricity to light their homes and power their appliances, rarely thinking about it as dangerous. Yet the...Continue Reading

It might be hard to imagine, but some of the most flammable materials in your home are liquid! Solvents, oil, alcohol-based products, aerosol cans, and beauty products—all commonly found in homes—may pose a danger to the health and safety of you and your family if stored inappropriately....Continue Reading

Noticing flickering lights in the kitchen, bathroom, or any other room in your house can be a nuisance, but it’s usually not a reason to be concerned. There are many reasons for lights to flicker or dim—some that are harmless and others that may be hazardous. Before you get worried, be sure to...Continue Reading

Let’s face it…no one likes to think about the possibility of a fire occurring in their home. But house fires happen more often than people think. In fact, it’s the third most common insurance claim behind severe weather and water damage claims. The good news is there are many things you can do...Continue Reading

A fire in your home, no matter how small, can be a traumatic event for you and your family. Your first instinct may be to jump in and clean up everything yourself, so your home feels normal again. Although there are...Continue Reading

Small house fires are the most common disasters in North America. If you've suffered a house fire, you're probably just grateful no one was hurt. But after the initial shock, there are...Continue Reading

Millions of business owners and renters maintain liability insurance each year to protect themselves against damages resulting from an unforeseen event, like a fire or flood. But most business owners and renters are unsure...Continue Reading

House fires are a widespread problem in the US and Canada. In 2021, 1.35 million fires were reported in the...Continue Reading

Cleaning furniture after a fire is an overwhelming task. Where do you even start? What services do you trust with experts, and which can you handle on your own? One of the most unexpected items that could end up impacting your health is fire-damaged furniture that was improperly cleaned or...Continue Reading

Fireplace flare-up? Kitchen catastrophe? Grill gone wild? Unsightly smoke damage and soot can be tough to tackle, forming lasting stains if left untreated­­. Let the...Continue Reading