Blog Posts in Air Quality

Short answer: We recommend that homeowners clean their air ducts at least once every five years. However, the service frequency depends on several factors, including climate, health conditions and pets. Since you should be replacing your HVAC air filters every two to three months anyway, this is...Continue Reading

Suffering from allergies or asthma? Mold, dust, pollen and other allergens can build up in your HVAC system over time – just like they do on other surfaces in your home. Lurking within the ductwork, these contaminants are distributed, returning no matter how much you vacuum or dust. Fortunately...Continue Reading

Cleaning a smoke-damaged house is important for providing a healthy living environment. If only it was as easy as opening a window and letting things air out. The acidic nature of smoke and soot can make them difficult to remove. However, they contain unpleasant odors and particles that are...Continue Reading

Even small home fires can result in significant smoke damage. Taking an obvious toll on your personal items and resulting in unseen damage to your home’s structure, the cleanup of smoke and soot is time sensitive. Acidic in nature, it effects each surface of your home differently, rapidly taking...Continue Reading

To many homeowners, understanding a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is a lot like trying to understand a foreign language. A few words sound familiar, but the overall system is a total mystery. Even fewer homeowners truly grasp how to...Continue Reading

If you keep your home comfortable with forced-air heating and cooling, ductwork is hidden behind the ceilings and walls. These passageways are responsible for carrying heated and cooled air to every room. As you can imagine, ductwork becomes dirty over time as...Continue Reading

As outdoor activities and sports taper off, the time you and your family spend indoors is on the rise. Is your home ready to become the warm, safe haven you need from weather’s wrath? Now is the time to prepare your home heating and cooling system, and consider cleaning the air ducts to ensure...Continue Reading

Fire is dangerous. We all know that. But, did you know that the flames themselves might not be the greatest risk as far as health dangers and property damage? Fire smoke is the leading cause of fire deaths, exceeding burns by a three-to-one ratio. And while direct exposure to smoke is harmful to...Continue Reading

Your skin is cracked, your lips are chapped, you get bloody noses more often, and annoying static electricity buildup shocks you every time you touch something metal. These are all common symptoms of dry winter air. The solution? Run humidifiers throughout your home to help make you more...Continue Reading

It was February 2014. A malfunctioning propane-fired furnace in a Manchester, New Hampshire home sent wafts of carbon monoxide gas into the interior. Three people died and one more was rushed to the hospital.

The disaster could have been avoided if the CO detector’s batteries were...Continue Reading