Storm Series: Not All Water Damage Is Created Equal

Storm Series: Not All Water Damage Is Created Equal blog banner

How many of you remember as a kid playing in or around storm water drains or roadside ditches? It was fun, right? While you may have enjoyed splashing around in the waters, you might not realize that storm water like this may actually be contaminated with raw sewage, dangerous chemicals, or harmful bacteria and viruses capable of transmitting dangerous diseases to you.

In this same way, the water that invades your home or business following a broken pipe, clogged toilet overflow, leaking dishwasher, overflowing washing machines, leaky roofs, or even foundation crack can be harmful.

Types of Water Involved in Water Damage

Specific steps must be taken to reduce property destruction, depending on the type of water damage. According to the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), who sets the standards for the cleaning industry and water damage restoration training, there are three levels or types of water involved in damages. They include:

Category 1: Clean water

This water damage is from sanitary sources, such as an overflowing sink or tub, burst water pipes, failed supply lines to appliances, drinking fountains, or vertical falling rainwater.

Category 2: Grey water 

This water is from sources that could make you uncomfortable or ill if ingested. Washing machine, dishwasher, or urine-tainted toilet overflows belong in this category.

Category 3: Black water

This is the worst classification of water and could cause severe illness if ingested. Sewer backups, flooded rivers, feces-tainted toilet overflows, or stagnant liquid that has bacterial growth are all examples of black water.

How Our Experts Handle Water Damage Restoration

Seeping water damage is progressive, pervasive and can mean valuable objects or keepsakes may become permanently damaged. The professionals you find at a local Rainbow Restoration are trained on how to handle the various types of water damage. Once they arrive on the scene at a home or business, they quickly assess the situation and start the restoration process in these three areas:

  • Aggressive cleaning: Wall cavities and other surfaces are pressure washed with a detergent solution. Salvageable materials are flushed and thoroughly disinfected.
  • Moisture detection: Not all water damage is visible to the naked eye. Water trapped in structural cavities may require sophisticated detection equipment to mitigate odors, prevent mold growth and minimize structural damage.
  • Rapid structural drying: Mold begins growing on soggy surfaces within only 24 to 48 hours. Rapid structural drying, all the way down to the building’s substructure, is necessary to restore pre-flood conditions.

After your home floods, you may think your home and its contents are beyond hope, but many of your furnishings and belongings can be restored. With professional restoration help, your flooded home can be cleaned up, dried out, rebuilt, and reoccupied sooner than you think.

Water Damage Restoration at Your Home or Business

If you or your insured clients experience a water or flood disaster, look for Rainbow Restoration®… the sign that everything’s going to be okay.  You can count on Rainbow Restoration to answer your questions and take prompt action to save your property and belongings.

If you are experiencing an emergency, call Rainbow Restoration at (855) 724-6269 or schedule an appointment online for residential and commercial water damage restoration services. 

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Water Damage 101: How to Protect Your Home

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