Blog Posts in Catastrophe Response

Most home and business fires start within the building. For example, a smoldering cigarette dropped into a trash can full of paper could ignite into flames. If the fire is not extinguished while in this early phase, it could spread throughout the structure.

How do the flames spread...Continue Reading

Across every age group and in every area of the country, people will tell you “I’m so busy,” “I feel so much pressure,” or “I’m so overloaded.” From school-aged children facing classroom and extra-curricular demands and middle-aged adults working long hours to...Continue Reading

A house fire is a traumatic event that is difficult for the whole family. To make things a little easier, it’s important to take advantage of the support provided by emergency services, friends, and family. The following tips will keep you from being overwhelmed by the situation and help you not...Continue Reading

A home inventory may seem like a task too daunting to attempt, but in the event of a home emergency like a fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, or other disaster, you will be extremely grateful you set aside the time to complete it. The last thing on your mind should be taking inventory of...Continue Reading

An offshoot of traditional hoarding, animal hoarders house large numbers of companion animals despite their inability to provide even minimal levels of care. Animal hoarders live in denial of their inability to properly care for their animals, as well as the impact their living conditions have...Continue Reading

First appearing in the news in 1942 after refusing to pay the mortgage on their home, the Collyer brothers infamous hoarding story is far more than a fairytale-style warning to hoarders. It is the true story of how seriously hoarding can adversely affect the lives of its sufferers.

...Continue Reading

Hurricanes pose a serious danger to coastal areas. The key to staying safe when a dangerous storm is headed your way is not rushing to your local hardware store to buy wood or dashing to your local grocery store to stock up on water and...Continue Reading

We all have clutter pile up from time to time. But if you’re part of the 3 to 5 percent of the American population with compulsive hoarding tendencies, all that stuff may be preventing you from leading a safe, healthy life....Continue Reading

With today’s busy lifestyles, accumulating “stuff” that clutters living spaces happens, but when too much “stuff” begins to pile up and hamper functional living, it becomes a problem. This problem is called hoarding, and it can strike people from all walks of life.

From the grocery store...Continue Reading