Rainbow Restoration Blog | Page 5

A fire in your home, no matter how small, can be a traumatic event for you and your family. Your first instinct may be to jump in and clean up everything yourself, so your home feels normal again. Although there are...Continue Reading

Whether caused by broken pipes, leaking appliances, or storms, flooding can do serious damage to your home. As bad as the obvious effects of flooding can be—watermarks on furniture, wet carpets, staining on walls—you may think most of the problems can be solved by just letting everything dry out...Continue Reading

Marks on the wall or a musty smell may make you suspect that your home has a mold problem, but it can be difficult to know for sure. Sometimes, if mold growth is small or hidden, it might look like harmless dirt on the wall or floor. While mold can have many different causes—like plumbing leaks...Continue Reading

Small house fires are the most common disasters in North America. If you've suffered a house fire, you're probably just grateful no one was hurt. But after the initial shock, there are...Continue Reading

Wood flooring is beautiful and can be an important asset to your home. Most of the time, it offers excellent durability, easy care, and will continue to look attractive for many years. However, wood...Continue Reading

Millions of business owners and renters maintain liability insurance each year to protect themselves against damages resulting from an unforeseen event, like a fire or flood. But most business owners and renters are unsure...Continue Reading

Cleaning Your Floor After a Basement Flood

A leaky pipe, a sewer system backup, unseasonably heavy rains—any one of these issues can result in a flooded basement. But no matter what caused the flooding, it’s important to get everything cleaned up as soon as possible. The longer water...Continue Reading

Water damage can happen to just about anyone. And when it does, it’s very difficult to assess the full extent of the damage right away. However, one thing that is certain is, when water damage occurs, time is of the essence! This means the clock is ticking when it comes to minimizing the extent...Continue Reading

Odors are a fact of life, especially when pets are involved. Although some odors can be unpleasant, most seem to dissipate quickly. However, there are some instances when a particular smell or odor seems to hang...Continue Reading

Most of us, tend to give our home HVAC (heating/ventilation/air conditioning) system little thought. It’s a system we often take for granted. We just expect everything to work properly—and it usually does. However, HVAC systems do need periodic maintenance to function properly and efficiently,...Continue Reading