Commercial Upholstery Cleaning and Deodorizing

Rainbow Restoration understands that dealing with dirty, stained upholstery in your business or commercial property can be a major hassle. Our dedicated professionals will work hard to keep your furniture and upholstery items clean and free of debris.

When it comes to fabric upkeep, our professional upholstery cleaning experts use specialized products to ensure your furniture and items look good for years to come.

We guarantee a job done right the first time with our commercial cleaning services. Don’t let your belongings succumb to further damage — call (855) 724-6269 for fast and immediate service!

Upholstery Cleaning and Deodorizing Services

Let us help you maintain your commercial space with our experienced upholstery cleaning and deodorizing services. Your in-house cleaning personnel can vacuum and sanitize areas, but routine cleanings may leave behind spots, stains, and odors. Our state-of-the-art equipment and trained experts can restore your upholstery to its like-new condition.

Upholstered furniture and other soft surfaces experience wear and tear, regardless if you’re in an office, retail business, or rental space. And because these surfaces are much more absorbent than hard ones, they hold on to smells, stains, germs, and dust much longer. 

This can pose a serious concern to your item’s appearance and lifespan — and even create a health and safety hazard for employees and customers alike.

We offer commercial upholstery cleaning as a standalone service or in combination with carpet cleaning, deodorizing, and spot and stain removal.

Our upholstery services include cleaning and deodorizing many types of surfaces, such as:

  • Booths and banquettes
  • Armchairs and other upholstered chairs
  • Drapery
  • Couches and sofas
  • Desk chairs
  • Upholstered walls
  • Ottomans
  • Barstools

Upholstery Spot and Stain Removal

The condition of your furniture can affect your customers, employees, or tenants — and your bottom line. We make it our mission to restore the fabric on your furniture with our specialized spot and stain removal service.

Our experts will thoroughly clean and remove spots and stains by:

  1. Identifying the upholstery type and stain cause.
  2. Selecting the solvents and tools needed for the stain and material type.
  3. Carefully removing the stain.
  4. Recleaning the material.
  5. Applying a long-lasting upholstery protectant. Keep in mind that this is an add-on to our commercial upholstery cleaning and deodorizing service.

FAQs about Commercial Upholstery Cleaning    

Is professional upholstery cleaning worth it?

Yes, having upholstered items professionally cleaned is definitely worth it to ensure your furniture lasts longer. In a business setting, we recommend cleaning items at least once a year to prevent dirt, stain, and debris buildup. The longer debris sits on upholstery, the harder it will be to remove later on.  

How do professionals clean upholstery?

Most professional cleaning services like Rainbow Restoration use hot water extraction to properly remove set-in spots and stains from upholstery. This process works by injecting hot water and cleaning solution into the fibers to loosen hidden particles. Lastly, a vacuum is run to extract all the remaining contaminants.

Find a Rainbow Restoration Professional in Your Local Area

We can empathize with the importance of maintaining fresh and clean upholstered furniture in your workplace or commercial property. The last thing you want is to turn off your tenants, customers, or employees because of smelly, dirty upholstery.

When you choose Rainbow Restoration, you can trust our professionals to carefully clean, deodorize, and restore your furnishings to their like-new condition.

Don’t let your soft surfaces gather further dirt and stain — give us a call at (855) 724-6269, book a consultation online, or find a service location near you!