Commercial Water Extraction and Flood Cleanup

Floods are among the most damaging disasters that can happen to any building. If you’re dealing with water damage in the aftermath of a flood, then speed is of the utmost importance.

When the water levels recede from the source of flooding, low-elevation areas like basements and ground floors can be left with standing water. When this happens, it’s important to get that water out of your building.

At Rainbow Restoration, we have decades of experience helping businesses recover from disasters. Our services are designed to get your property fully restored and back in working order as quickly as possible.

Common Causes of Flood and Water Damage

In the case of an internal issue, it’s vital to shut off the flow of the water. Unlike a flood caused by a weather event, you can exert some control over how bad the flooding gets when a burst pipe is to blame. It’s recommended to turn off the water immediately as soon as someone notices the forming flood. It’s OK to resume restoring water service to other areas of the building once the cause of the issue is determined.

Floods caused by severe weather or other environmental factors can create complex issues. Environmental floods also tend to let in more than water. Silt, debris, animals, and mold spores can be included in the floodwaters. These health hazards make it even more urgent to remove excess water as quickly as possible.

How Flood Cleanup and Water Extraction Works

When you call Rainbow Restoration to come and clear out the water from your commercial location, here’s what you can expect:

  1. Secure the property: Depending on the severity of the flood, it could leave your building open to the elements. If a flood has knocked down a wall or irreparably damaged an entry point, Rainbow Restoration professionals will secure the building to prevent further hazards from entering.
  2. Remove excess water: During the water removal process, Rainbow Restoration technicians use pumps to push the standing water out of your building. In severely flooded locations, we may remove the water methodically, as too-fast removal of floodwater can cause walls and floors to collapse. Once the majority of the water has been removed, wet/dry vacuums are used to clear out the remainder of the water.

Once all of this has been done, Rainbow Restoration professionals will get to work removing debris and any destroyed furniture, equipment, and material from the affected area. To prevent mold growth, Rainbow Restoration provides rapid structural drying services.

Flood Damage and Water Extraction FAQs

Will rising water cause electrical and gas issues?

Yes, rising water can compromise the structural integrity of any building. Rainbow Restoration will provide a thorough inspection and propose a path forward to mitigate the issues.

How do I get water out of a basement?

A large amount of standing water may require pumps and should be handled by professionals who can avoid mistakes that might cause further damage to your building. Professionals can also identify the source of the water and fix it.

Call Us for Prompt Flood Cleanup and Water Extraction Services

At Rainbow Restoration, we’ve spent more than 40 years helping businesses like yours recover from disasters. We know that your business is important, so we do our utmost to ensure that your building gets back into working order as quickly as possible.

When you’re dealing with flood damage, you can trust in Rainbow Restoration to restore your commercial property. Find the Rainbow Restoration office nearest you, or if you need immediate assistance, call (855) 724-6269 or request an appointment online to begin your restoration process.