Commercial Hurricane Damage Repair

Hurricanes have the power to wreak havoc and cause major destruction to commercial properties, leaving businesses unprotected after the storm.

If your business suffers hurricane damage, you need immediate assistance from experts. Rainbow Restoration professionals are equipped to handle the toughest of repairs while offering the guidance and support you need to get your business back to operational.

Rainbow Restoration is committed to providing reliable services to help business owners recover their property and belongings as quickly as possible. Commercial hurricane damage repair is available 24/7 to handle everything from roof and window damage to interior flooding and even mold.

Don’t cause yourself further stress by going through this traumatic event alone — give us a call at (855) 724-6269 to help alleviate the burden!

Commercial Hurricane Damage Restoration Services

With wind speeds up to 95 MPH for a Category 1 hurricane and 157 MPH or higher for a Category 5 storm, hurricanes can cause severe destruction to commercial properties.

Devastation to your property may include water damage and flooding from heavy rains, torn apart roofs, windows, doors, and major structural damage from high-speed winds.

Thankfully, we have your back. Rainbow Restoration handles every type of repair service you might need so you can avoid having to source and manage multiple contractors.

Commercial hurricane damage repair services include:

Hurricane Damage Recovery Process

We understand the importance of limiting business interruption and getting your property back on its feet.

That’s why we stand by our five-step hurricane recovery process:

  1. Immediately respond to emergency calls from our 24/7 hotline
  2. Evaluate damages and create a plan for restoration
  3. Clean up any debris left from the storm
  4. Mitigate water and wind destruction
  5. Restore property to its original condition

FAQs about Professional Hurricane Damage Repair

How do you clean up after a hurricane?

You won’t know the type of damage to expect from a hurricane until it actually hits. It’s crucial to hire a disaster recovery service like your local Rainbow Restoration to mitigate damage impact and restore your space to its pre-event state.

Keep in mind that only professionals with a complete understanding of the destruction hurricanes cause can accurately troubleshoot what repairs and services are needed. The last thing you want to do is walk blindly into the muck the storm left behind only to discover that you are knee-deep in damage without knowing where to begin.

How long does it take to clean up after a hurricane?

The cleanup time will depend on the amount of damage, the type of damage, and how soon you call a professional restoration specialist. Rainbow Restoration’s goal is to get your business back up and running as quickly as possible.

Find a Hurricane Damage Cleanup Expert in Your Local Area

We know that time is of the essence when you’re dealing with a catastrophic event like a hurricane. Our repair experts have the proper tools, state-of-the-art equipment, and expertise to bring calm to the chaos.

Give us a call at (855) 724-6269 or find a local Rainbow Restoration location near you to begin your commercial hurricane damage repairs!