Commercial Carpet Cleaning and Deodorizing 

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Maintaining a clean and odor-free carpet can be a challenge in a commercial property or business. Foot traffic and daily use take their toll, leaving unappealing, stained carpets that are not ideal for employees, tenants, customers, and anyone visiting your building.

Rainbow Restoration offers high-quality commercial carpet cleaning services using proven methods and state-of-the-art equipment to eliminate odor and clean the dirtiest of messes. Our team of specialists go above and beyond to inspect each space and perform professional carpet cleaning and deodorizing services that adhere to industry best practices.

Call Rainbow Restoration to restore your carpets to their best possible condition at (855) 724-6269 or schedule a consultation online today!

Professional Carpet Cleaning Service and Process

Dealing with a carpet full of stains, dirt, and other debris can be challenging. But don’t worry — Rainbow Restoration utilizes a six-step process to get the job done.

  1. Deep, thorough vacuuming: A technician will vacuum first to release dirt trapped between the carpet fibers and remove any particles.
  2. Preconditioning solution: A solution is then applied to separate the dirt that remains.
  3. Agitation: This works to penetrate the preconditioning solution deeper to maximize contact with the carpet fibers.
  4. Hot-water rinse: The applied solution and any remaining debris from your carpet is removed using a high-quality spray and extraction method.
  5. Grooming: This step helps give your carpet a softer look and feel while removing any matting in the process.
  6. Air dry: Your carpet should be dry within four to six hours.

Commercial Carpet Deodorizing Service

Carpets are made of porous fibers that absorb and hold on to odors. Many DIY cleaning solutions won’t do the trick as they only attack surface-level scents and stains.

Rainbow Restoration will tackle those hard-to-reach surfaces using commercial-grade equipment, professional expertise, and proven techniques to restore your carpets.

While commercial cleaning services are meant to remove dirt, dust, and debris, our odor removal service is focused on eliminating odors and stains — and is ideal for properties that reek of must, mildew, nicotine, cooking odors, and more.

We help businesses and properties that are affected by:

  • Smoke odors
  • Pet smells
  • Cooking odors
  • Mold and mildew smells
  • Bacteria growth from drips and spills
  • And more

Professional Carpet Spot and Stain Removal Service

Your business will need more than a routine cleaning to remove set-in stains. Soft flooring absorbs liquids and debris much more readily than hard surfaces, and over time, stubborn stains form.

Rainbow Restoration specialists work to remove set-in stains by eliminating dirt, grime, and germs deep within the carpet fibers using professional-grade equipment, solvents, and methods to get rid of problem stains. 

How it works:

  1. Identify the carpet type and the cause of the stain.
  2. Pick which solvents and tools are best suited to the stain and material type.
  3. Carefully eliminate each problem spot.
  4. Reclean the material and apply a long-lasting protectant.

Spot and stain removal services are available to maximize commercial carpet cleaning and deodorizing services.

FAQs About Commercial Carpet Cleaning

Can professionals get stains out of carpet?

Yes, professional carpet cleaners like Rainbow Restoration use specialized equipment, tools, and cleaning products to ensure a deeper clean. This means that we can remove most stains, even if they’ve been sitting there for months.

How do you get spot stains out of a commercial carpet?

Spot stains can be removed using solvents and tools that are especially suited for your carpet (see spot stain and removal process above).

Find a Rainbow Restoration Professional in Your Area

Dealing with messy, dirty carpets can be a nuisance, especially if you’ve done everything you can to remove the stains yourself.

Rainbow Restoration will do all the heavy lifting to restore your carpets to their best possible condition. Contact your local Rainbow Restoration to get started.

Don’t settle for a musky-smelling carpet full of debris, call (855) 724-6269, find a location near you, or you can request an appointment online!