Blog Posts in Tips and Hints

If you don’t want your small children and pets crawling around on your floors after they’ve been cleaned with chemicals, you’re in luck! There are an array of simple, inexpensive, and natural products you can make yourself at home perfectly capable of handling all of your floor cleaning needs,...Continue Reading

What are the dirtiest spots in your workplace? When you’re cleaning the office, you may be overlooking the worst offenders.

Identifying the nasty

Most employees identify bathroom surfaces as the most disgusting for...Continue Reading

Spring is all about new beginnings. Flowers are blooming, trees are sprouting, windows are being opened to let fresh air inside, and schedules are hectic with a frenzy of new activities. But in the midst of all this activity, property owners across the country set aside time to take part in the...Continue Reading

Carpet can be a great flooring option, adding warmth and comfort to a home or business. But do you know what’s really lurking in carpet? Because of all the traffic it encounters daily, carpet attracts and hides some of the worst allergens, bacteria, germs, organisms and other hazardous particles...Continue Reading

You may know about common fire sources such as candles, overloaded electrical outlets, and malfunctioning...Continue Reading

Another flash flood warning in your area? Who cares? You should! Flash floods are the number one weather-related killer in the U.S., and the most frequently occurring and costly natural disaster. Ninety percent of damage related to all natural disasters is caused by flood damage. It takes only a...Continue Reading

Fire is dangerous. We all know that. But, did you know that the flames themselves might not be the greatest risk as far as health dangers and property damage? Fire smoke is the leading cause of fire deaths, exceeding burns by a three-to-one ratio. And while direct exposure to smoke is harmful to...Continue Reading

… To raise money for charity and demonstrate how Rainbow Restoration can restore carpet!

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Cooking is often considered a relaxing, rewarding task. After all, food brings people together. But did you know that 49% of reported home structure fires started from cooking? Between 2014 and 2018, an average of 550 people died in house fires started by cooking activities.

The kitchen has become a very important gathering place for families, and it is important to be aware of the hazards that can endanger you and your family. Fortunately, with a little know-how and some extra caution, you can prevent a recipe for disaster.Continue Reading

According to the National Fire Protection Association, in 2013, a home fire was reported every 85 seconds, and a civilian fire injury was reported every 33 minutes. Statistics like these illustrate...Continue Reading