Blog Posts in Tips and Hints

Ever wonder what all those symbols on fabric and upholstery tags mean? When you have to remove stains or routine-clean your upholstery, fabric cleaning codes provide valuable advice. However, not everyone is well versed in laundry hieroglyphics, which is why...Continue Reading

You love your animals, but you don’t relish their tell-tale scents. Luckily, there are ways you can keep your home smelling fresh without giving your furry friends the boot. Before lingering pet odors set in to your home and belongings, learn how to remove pet odors and keep them at bay with...Continue Reading

Grandma never got the memo – mothballs stink! Not only do they make the clothes smell, but an entire room can absorb the smell of mothballs. Even if those wool sweaters escaped unscathed from moths, no one wants to wear a stinky sweater. There is also evidence that mothballs...Continue Reading

Fireplace flare-up? Kitchen catastrophe? Grill gone wild? Unsightly smoke damage and soot can be tough to tackle, forming lasting stains if left untreated­­. Let the...Continue Reading

If you are a landlord, property manager, or another housing professional, you may be concerned about the possibility of a hoarder renting your property. After all, not only does this behavior create fire safety issues, indoor air quality problems, and health concerns, it can also...Continue Reading

One of the hardest parts about recovering from a fire is deciding what you can salvage and what you must throw away. It’s heartbreaking to discard damaged items with sentimental value, and it feels like a waste of money to dump food exposed to smoke. However, the cost to restock your pantry and...Continue Reading

Electronics are delicate items, as there are various factors that cause them to quit working properly. Since many irreplaceable items are stored electronically, it’s important to be prepared for the worst. In the event of a fire, here is what you need to know about smoke damage and your...Continue Reading

When you flip a light switch, power on your computer, or turn on your coffee maker, you expect the electrical wiring to do its job. It’s easy to take electricity for granted – until you spot warning signs of an electrical wiring issue. Don’t ignore these problems or you could...Continue Reading

How many hours does it take to pick out a light bulb? Many. Especially if you’re living in the dark age of incandescents and wattage, and left scratching your head in the hardware aisle of the local box store. What’s a homeowner to do with all the different types of light bulbs and confusing...Continue Reading

To bleach or not to bleach that is the question. Whether or not it is a noble endeavor depending highly upon the surface in question – and your housekeeping goals. Bleach is a malodorous menace in some facets, but a remarkable remedy in others. Where’s the...Continue Reading