Rainbow Restoration Blog | Page 10

Is your basement wet to the touch or does it feel damp? Do you walk downstairs to discover puddles, or flooding? Wet basements can lead to serious mold and mildew issues, not to mention structural damage. That’s why if you’ve answered “yes” to any of those questions, it’s time to look for a...Continue Reading

Are deep office cleaning services worth it to your business? Before you answer that, think about these questions:

  • How many hours do you and your employees spend in your office per week?
  • How many visitors come to your office each week?
  • How many people share your
  • ...Continue Reading

In the market for a new home? Before you take out a home loan,, there’s a whole host of things to check before buying a house! Whether this is your very first home purchase or you’ve been down this road before and are looking for additional home inspection tips, this post is for you!

...Continue Reading

Uh-oh. Did you walk downstairs to a surprise? Moisture in basements takes many forms, from a puddle of water in a corner to a dripping ceiling, but judging by appearance alone, one of the most alarming is a damp wall.

How can water possibly come through the wall into my seemingly...Continue Reading

A home with basement space to spare is a godsend when you’re looking for extra storage space. But how do you organize a basement storage area and prevent it from becoming an unruly mess? And how do you protect your favorite things from damage?

From plastic totes and shelving, to framing...Continue Reading

We pride ourselves on our commitment to our clients, and we work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for every case – but how do we do that? By keeping claim loss ratios low.

What is a Claim Loss Ratio?

A claim loss ratio is an equation that insurers use to evaluate...Continue Reading

You head downstairs and, to your dismay, discover that your basement ceiling is wet. How did this happen? Water damage to a basement ceiling can be caused by several different issues: Pipe and...Continue Reading

One of the most overlooked home maintenance tasks during the winter months is clearing the snow that’s accumulated on your roof. Too much snow on your roof can cause problems that range from ice...Continue Reading

From bacteria to strong smelling foods, it’s no surprise that your refrigerator picks up odors over time. Even after you’ve removed your moldy cheeses and old leftovers, it’s possible for your refrigerator to hold on to these odors. Read on to learn how to get rid of fridge odor for good....Continue Reading

Not sure the difference between a tropical storm and a hurricane? Both are storms that have the potential to cause catastrophic damage and interrupt daily life in coastal regions - but they differ in strength and form. It’s important to understand the difference between these storms in order to...Continue Reading